Hemorrhoids is an extremely painful condition that can negatively impact your life. When a hemorrhoid gets inflamed, the person can’t concentrate on anything but the pain. Read on for more information about this difficult and uncomfortable condition.
Help prevent the development of external hemorrhoids by improving your bathroom hygiene. Choose soft toilet papers that do not leave paper or residue, and use moistened wipes after every bowel movement.
Take Rutin for your hemorrhoids. Weak blood vessels can cause hemorrhoids. The flavonoid, Rutin, assists with vitamin C absorption, thereby strengthening the blood vessels. Some of the best sources of Rutin are broccoli, citrus fruits and onions. For strong blood vessels, take 500mg as a supplement each day.
Drink plenty of water if you have issues with hemorrhoids. Keeping yourself properly hydrated will maintain soft stools. You do not want to drink as much alcohol or products with caffeine.
Try using ice for hemorrhoid pain relief. In addition to being itchy, hemorrhoids are extremely painful. An ice pack applied to the area can decrease pain and reduce swelling. For even more relief, you can replace ice with warmer compresses and keep switching back and forth between the two. Taking a bath and alternating heat and cold packs can lower the intensity of both the pain and swelling caused by hemorrhoids.
If you have a better understanding of hemorrhoids, you’ll realize that you don’t have much to worry about. If you or a person in your care is affected by this uncomfortable affliction, researching the condition is beneficial. The gist of it is that some nerve endings become swollen, which makes them painful to deal with.
Most hemorrhoids are caused by overexerting the sphincter muscles and the muscles around them. Since this is the case, if you suffer from this problem, you should take notice of the pressure you put on this area when moving your bowels and during other activities.
You don’t necessarily need those expensive hemorrhoid treatments and medications, because there may be some natural remedies you could try. Allowing yourself to soak in a sitz bath offers some relief. Limit your time in the tub to about 15 minutes, and repeat after each bowel movement. Hemorrhoids can be quite itchy, but you need to avoid scratching as it can make the problem worse. Instead, try some witch hazel on a damp cloth, which is then applied to the problem area to get some relief. Drink at least eight cups of water each day, and eat plenty of fiber. This will prevent excessive straining during a bowel movement.
Losing Weight
Help reduce hemorrhoid pain by losing weight. People who are obese are at a higher risk for developing hemorrhoids. The extra fat and waste your body is storing will cause unnecessary pressure on your anal veins. Foods that are high in fiber can alleviate pressure, so consider this when choosing a regime for losing weight. Don’t take laxatives to lose weight or use them to treat hemorrhoids since this is very unhealthy.
Take a fiber supplement, especially if you do not eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Take your supplements regularly and drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
You can actually do a lot to prevent hemorrhoids, which is good since they can literally come out of nowhere when you least expect them. The techniques outlined above will help you understand more about the painful condition of hemorrhoids. Although hemorrhoids often go away on their own, time waiting can be reduced with treatment.