It seems like talking about hemorrhoids is a taboo subject, but the chances are pretty good that your friends and family have had painful bouts of this condition. Use the tips presented below to help you deal with painful symptoms of hemorrhoids, both external and internal, in order to help prevent them in the future.
One way to lower your risk of developing external hemorrhoids is to practice better bathroom hygiene. Try using a wet wipe after every bowel movement and choose a clean soft tissue for regular wiping.
Drinking plenty of water is a must for those with a history of hemorrhoids. More water in your diet will make your stools much softer. You might also consider reducing or eliminating the amount of caffeinated foods and beverages from your diet. The same rules apply for alcohol, as well.
Ice Pack
Are you aware of the fact that there are a few products in your kitchen which can aid in relieving some of the commonly associated symptoms of hemorrhoids? One way to relieve the discomfort of hemorrhoids is to make your own ice pack. A cold compress like an ice pack will dissipate swelling and help to get rid of the lingering pain. You can also significantly reduce the painful swelling by treating your hemorrhoids with your hand made ice pack.
People who strain excessively while trying to have a bowel movement are more likely to develop hemorrhoids. To help make your stools pass easier, drink more water and eat less refined foods. The need to strain will also be lessened if you squat during bowel movements. As you sit on your toilet, put a small stool beneath your feet. In places throughout the globe where people squat to defecate, there are not many instances of hemorrhoids.
Ice is usually pretty good for alleviating hemorrhoid pain. Hemorrhoids can cause quite a bit of pain. Utilize ice packs to alleviate pain and minimize swelling. Try putting hot and cold compresses on your hemorrhoids. Soaking in a lukewarm tub and then switching to a cold compress, is a good way to ameliorate the discomfort and swelling caused by hemorrhoids.
If you have hemorrhoids, use lemon in your water. There are many calming properties in lemons which help to reduce hemorrhoid inflammation. A simple glass or two of lemon water throughout the day can leave you feeling great.
Eating bread that is made from whole wheat will aid in digestion and is good for hemorrhoids. It can cut down on the amount of redness and irritation you are experiencing. Make the choice of healthy, high fiber, whole grain bread for your next sandwich.
Many hemorrhoids are caused by overexerting sphincter muscles, causing chronic irritation. If you suffer from hemorrhoids on a regular basis, it is important to be aware of how much you exert yourself when evacuating your bowels.
Try using home remedies before you spend money on hemorrhoid medications. Try soaking in a sitz bath for about 15 minutes, especially right after you have had a bowel movement. Hemorrhoids can be quite itchy, but you want to avoid scratching because this will just aggravate the area more. Instead, try some witch hazel on a damp cloth, which is then applied to the problem area to get some relief. Eat a lot of fiber-rich foods, and get your eight glasses of water daily. This will help eliminate strain from your bowel movements.
If you closely follow the guidelines from this article, you will find that it is easy to avoid subjecting yourself to the unpleasant effects of hemorrhoids. While treating the symptoms is important, preventing hemorrhoids is even better. These tricks and tips, along with advice, can help you steer clear of hemorrhoids.