It is very common for pregnant women to develop hemorrhoids. This is caused by increased pressure on their blood vessels of the pelvic region. When labor starts the problem can worsen. Read this article to learn how you can reduce the pain and prevent more hemorrhoids from appearing.
As you battle your hemorrhoids, it is important to prevent irritation and inflammation caused by perfumes, dyes and other ingredients found in common personal products. Exposure to these substances can cause the hemorrhoids to sting, become more painful and make the itching intensify.
Drinking plenty of water is a must for those with a history of hemorrhoids. Your stools will be softer if you are hydrated. To maximize your hydration success, avoid dehydrating beverages, such as those containing caffeine or alcohol.
Hemorrhoids are often aggravated by difficult bowel movements and the resulting strains they put on the excretory system. Eating healthier foods and drinking plenty of water will allow the stools to come out easier. Squatting is another thing to try to effortlessly pass stools. When sitting down on the toilet, use a stool underneath your feet. Interestingly, hemorrhoids are not very common in places where squatting is the more traditional way of evacuating the bowels.
Give some natural remedies a try before you spend money on pricey hemorrhoid treatments. Spending a few minutes in a lukewarm sitz bath, for instance, can offer some relief form hemorrhoid discomfort. While hemorrhoids often itch, try not to scratch them, since this may cause the problem may worsen. Try applying some pads that have been dampened with witch hazel for temporary relief when your hemorrhoids are flaring up. Eat tons of food with fiber, and make sure you drink at least eight cups of water each day. This will help prevent excessive straining during your bowel movements.
Heavy Objects
Oddly enough, lifting heavy objects can be a risk factor for hemorrhoids. The strain that it puts on the body is equivalent to the stress that you put on your body when you try to force a bowel movement. If you have recurring hemorrhoids, avoid lifting any heavy objects altogether.
Though laxatives can temporarily relieve constipation, they are not a good solution for frequent hemorrhoids. These should not be used for more than an occasional boost to your normal body function. If your constipation is chronic, you need to make dietary changes, such as adding more fiber to help regulate your bowel movements.
Although it is common for hemorrhoids to cause blood after a bowel movement, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor to rule out all other possible causes. Blood in the stool or bleeding from the rectum can signal a more serious illness, including cancer. You can ease your mind visiting a doctor to get the problem diagnosed. If the diagnosis is hemorrhoids, your physician can provide you with an effective treatment plan.
Take fiber supplements on an everyday basis if you do not eat very many fruits and vegetables. Make sure you spread out taking them and drink at least a gallon of water a day.
Drink plenty of water. If your body is dehydrated, it affects your stool. You will then get hard stools and you may experience pain when trying to move your bowels. Keep dehydration at bay by consuming plenty of water, and you can minimize this problem in your life.
Laxatives are great for quick one time relief, but they aren’t a permanent solution. While it is acceptable to use laxatives periodically for relief of constipation, taking them does little to prevent hemorrhoids from forming.
Do not sit down on the commode until you need to go. Do your reading elsewhere! Sitting in that position puts you in a constant strain, and that can be deleterious to your hemorrhoids. Be sure your urge to go is already present when you sit down, as gravity can also have an effect on hemorrhoids.
As we have said before, women can suffer from hemorrhoids during their last two trimesters of pregnancy, when you push during labor it can worsen. Staying relaxed, drinking water and eating fiber are several measures that you can take to prevent the formation of hemorrhoids. Make sure you apply the tips you have just read to reduce your risks of getting hemorrhoids.