Most adults will have to deal with hemorrhoids in their lifetime. Women who are carrying unborn children tend to develop them routinely, both before and after the birth. Strain, due to constipation, is the frequent cause of hemorrhoids in both men and women. The following article contains advice that will assist you in preventing this common condition from occurring.
Keeping the rectal cavity free of dirt is important if you have hemorrhoids. Specially-designed hemorrhoid wipes are usually more sanitary than toilet paper, not to mention more comfortable. Hemorrhoid swelling and pain can be relieved by a sitz bath of warm water. Soak the area for 20 minutes or more.
You can decrease the likeliness of forming external hemorrhoids by stepping up your hygiene practices in the bathroom. Choose soft toilet papers that do not leave paper or residue, and use moistened wipes after every bowel movement.
If you regularly struggle with hemorrhoids, there are plenty of methods of relief available. Take several, ten minute sitz bath every day. You might also feel better if you apply cold compresses in the affected area.
Cold Pack
Applying ice then heat is an easy and simple home cure for hemorrhoids. Switching between the heat and the ice will help shrink your hemorrhoid and help heal it. Each day as needed, apply an icy cold pack to the problem area for ten minutes then, following that cold pack treatment, apply a warm, moist heat pack for twenty minutes.
Witch hazel is very helpful for relieving discomfort, pain, and itching associated with hemorrhoids. Witch hazel has natural astringent properties that work to shrink the swollen tissue and soothe the pain and itching. Using a cotton ball that has been soaked in witch hazel, apply to the area for up to 10 minutes. Alternatively, add the witch hazel into a warm bath.
If you experience hemorrhoids often, you should ensure you’re consuming an adequate amount of water. Your stools will be softer if you are hydrated. To maximize your hydration success, avoid dehydrating beverages, such as those containing caffeine or alcohol.
Bowel Movements
One of the things that cause hemorrhoids is too much straining during bowel movements. To help make your stools pass easier, drink more water and eat less refined foods. Squatting without unnecessary strain can help pass bowel movements. When using the toilet, a stool placed at your feet can help. In countries where people assume a squatting position during bowel movements, hemorrhoids are relatively rare.
Carrying a cushion around with you may make you a little self conscious, but it will provide relief from hemorrhoids. You may not be comfortable using it at your workplace or in public, but while driving or sitting down at home, it can alleviate the pressure on the area and reduce pain.
Most hemorrhoids are caused by overexerting the sphincter muscles and the muscles around them. If you suffer from hemorrhoids on a regular basis, it is important to be aware of how much you exert yourself when evacuating your bowels.
You may get hemorrhoids just from heavy lifting. The strain when you lift is similar to the strain you feel when you are passing your stool. If you regularly lift heavy objects and have recurring hemorrhoids, find ways to avoid doing this lifting.
Don’t rely on laxatives to treat hemorrhoids. This kind of medication will only help you on a short term basis. If your constipation is chronic, you need to make dietary changes, such as adding more fiber to help regulate your bowel movements.
Almost all grownups, as we mentioned before, will have at least one hemorrhoid flare up and many suffer from recurring problems. This condition can be handled through exercise and proper diet.