There are many types of gastrointestinal disorders that include upset stomach, gas or indigestion. Heartburn is a feeling that is caused by the acid in stomach going up to the esophagus. A professional must properly diagnose anyone with the symptoms of stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion.
Causes Of Stomach Acid, Heartburn And Indigestion
Symptoms of stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion include upset stomach, burning sensation in the upper abdomen, belching, bloating, heartburn, nausea, passing gas, diffuse abdominal pain, and vomiting.
There are prescription and non-prescription medications available to treat stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion. Small dietary changes can be quite helpful in treating these disorders. It is important to maintain a diary, and note down the foods that seem to cause discomfort, and then avoid those foods. For many people, stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion is caused by disease in the digestive tract, but it can also be the result of eating too quickly, eating too much, eating during stressful times or eating too much high-fat foods.
Drinking and smoking, using the medications that irritate lining of the stomach, or being constantly stressed out can also cause stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion, or make it worse. To diagnose the real problem, the doctor may use x rays of stomach and small intestine.
If people suffering from stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion have vomiting, severe pain in abdomen, black stools, blood in vomit, shortness of breath, indigestion pain or discomfort, it may be an indication of more serious disease.
Occasional symptoms of indigestion are common in most of the people, but if the symptoms of stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion become more frequent and regular, it may need treatment under doctor’s supervision. Some small dietary and lifestyle changes can be made in order to deal with stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion. These include elevating your head few inches while sleeping, eating plenty of fibre, drinking lots of water, taking more frequent smaller meals, not lying down immediately after eating, losing extra pounds, avoiding tobacco, cigarettes and alcohol, eat are regular time, avoiding stress, exercising regularly but not immediately after eating, and avoiding spicy, fatty, and citrus food.
A common remedy for stomach acid, heartburn and indigestion is to mix half tsp of baking soda in half glass of water and drink it every two hours till the problem subsides. Do not underestimate the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise. Good lifestyle will help you deal with such disorders in the longer run.