A Guide To Gastric Ulcer Symptoms

Gastric ulcer is a lesion or open sore in the mucous membrane part of the stomach, and there are certain gastric ulcer symptoms that can help you understand if you are suffering from it. To prevent the gastric ulcer, it is essential to understand its causes. The most common cause of gastric ulcers is bacterium Helicobacter pylori or H. pylori. There are few other causes as well including use of various drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs. It has also been proved that one’s lifestyle and stress can also cause gastric ulcer.

Common Gastric Ulcer Symptoms

Gastric ulcer symptoms are similar to those of other ulcers, but for proper diagnosis, get the medical evaluation done by your doctor. Based on the evaluation, medical history and reports, the doctor can give the correct medication.

Heartburn is one of the most common gastric ulcer symptoms, and you can feel the pain as a burning sensation behind your breastbone. The other symptoms include unintentional weight loss, fatigue, nausea, abdominal digestion, blood in the stools, tarry stools and black or loose bowels.

In addition to these gastric ulcer symptoms, you may also feel abdominal pains sometimes that will wake you up from the sleep. This sharp pain usually lasts between half an hour to three hours and is also termed as indigestion or heartburn. The pain is usually experienced in the upper abdomen, but may also occur just under the breastbone. The pain is relieved with antacid or milk. The gastric ulcer symptoms become worse 3-4 hours after the last meal in the night because excess stomach acid secretions cause pain to the gastric ulcers when the stomach becomes empty. It is however important to note that the gastric ulcer symptoms vary from person to person. Some people experience pain immediately after eating. If the stomach ulcer causes lots of inflammation, it can cause blockages. Some of the complications can be anemia, cancer, stomach or intestinal rupture, stomach or intestinal bleeding, inflammation of Pancreas, bile ducts or liver, and bowel obstruction or blockage.

To deal with gastric ulcer symptoms, it is important to make some changes in the lifestyles and dietary patterns. Never starve yourself, and take 5-6 small meals throughout the day. Avoid caffeine, fatty foods and alcohol.

There are certain medications available for gastric ulcer treatment, but you can also try some home remedies such as avoiding stressful situations, drinking freshly made cabbage juice everyday, not smoking, eating small, frequent, easily digestible foods, and taking herbal amalgamations like PLS II.

Stomach ulcer is neither cancerous nor contagious by nature, but they have the tendency to become potent.