Hemorrhoids is a painful, unpleasant condition that people are embarrassed to talk about, but millions of people seek treatment for this affliction every year. These tips can help you deal with hemorrhoids or piles.
Try to adopt a fiber rich diet to combat hemorrhoids. Include foods that contain high amounts of fiber, including whole-grain breads, leafy green vegetables, oatmeal and pastas. Fiber is known to “scrape” your intestines clean, and also retains moisture that keeps your bowel movements soft and reduces the straining that creates or exacerbates hemorrhoids.
Making sure your bathroom practices are as hygienic as possible can also make it less likely that you’ll develop external hemorrhoids. Using softer toilet tissue and moistened wipes after every bowel movement is important.
A simple remedy you can use at home is applying ice, then heat. If you use both heat and ice, you can reduce the size of a hemorrhoid and ensure it will heal properly. A 10 minute application of ice can be followed by 20 minutes with a moist heat application for maximum results.
When dealing with hemorrhoids, be careful not to expose the affected areas to products containing dyes, essential oils, or fragrances. Even minimal exposure to one of these substances may cause the hemorrhoid to burn or itch.
Many people find that portable cushions afford a great deal of relief from their hemorrhoids. You can sometimes feel uncomfortable with these, but they can make your life much easier when you use these enough, so take some time to use cushions when possible.
You should consider trying several available home remedies prior to paying a great deal for commercial treatments. Allowing yourself to soak in a sitz bath offers some relief. Limit your time in the tub to about 15 minutes, and repeat after each bowel movement. Don’t scratch, even if you’re itching, because this will only make the problem worse. Instead, try some witch hazel on a damp cloth, which is then applied to the problem area to get some relief. Plenty of water and a diet high in fiber is a good way to prevent hemorrhoids. This will make it easier for you to avoid straining during your bowel movements.
There is nothing that causes more itching than hemorrhoids, other than perhaps chicken pox. Scratching them could cause them to bleed and become infected. If your hemorrhoids are torn open, you can have even more pain, and you may get an infection.
Create soft stools by taking in lots of water and eating high-fiber foods. Getting your stool softer is the best way to relieve your hemorrhoid woes. Papaya, grapes and watermelon are fruits that work good for softening and then moving the stools. Some vegetables are high in fiber and they are a natural choice also for stool softening. These include okra and cabbage. In addition, drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help prevent hemorrhoids.
Although this isn’t something that you might not use on a daily basis, you now know it and can apply it when necessary, which is exactly what it’s meant to be used for just in case someone you’re close with or you unfortunately obtain hemorrhoids. By combining this advice with some excellent medical principles, you’ll ensure that you experience fast relief from itching and pain.