Despite the circumstances, hemorrhoids may ruin a great day and can make a terrible day worse. You can use the tips in this article to learn what causes hemorrhoids, how to avoid them and how to properly treat them if they have developed. By following the tips and various strategies listed in the article below, you will learn about a few ways you can work to treat hemorrhoids.
Be sure to be scrupulous in your hygiene, especially when hemorrhoids are present. A moist towelette is preferable to toilet paper, and it will probably be more comfortable, too. Warm sitz baths are helpful at relieving the swelling and discomfort of hemorrhoids. Allow yourself to soak in this warm bath for a minimum of 20 minutes.
If you suffer from hemorrhoids, prevent further aggravation of the condition by keeping substances that contain scents, dyes, and essential oils away from the inflamed area. These substances could cause a burning, stinging or itching sensation on those already sensitive areas.
Ice Pack
To get relief from hemorrhoids, apply ice to the affected area. Hemorrhoids can cause quite a bit of pain. Prepare an ice pack for the area, to relieve some of the swelling and accompanying pain. Sometimes, it seems to help to alternate between cold and warm compresses. You can help your hemorrhoids by alternating sitting in a nice warm bath and using an ice pack.
Hemorrhoids are a lot like chicken pox in that they can make you crazy trying to avoid scratching them. It’s important not to scratch them; doing so will cause them to split open. If they get opened for any reason, they will be far more painful and susceptible to bacterial infection.
Go see your doctor to make sure you have hemorrhoids. The blood you experience can signify cancer or other serious conditions. You will rest easier knowing exactly what the source of the problem is. If the diagnosis is hemorrhoids, the doctor will recommend the best avenue of treatment.
Consume a diet that is rich in fiber. More fiber equates to softer stools. Softer stool requires less force when eliminating and will alleviate any discomfort or pain that may occur with pushing. Eat fruits or take fiber supplements to make it easier to pass stools.
Abstain from sitting long periods on the toilet hoping for a bowel movement. A lot of people read when on the toilet, and they don’t realize they’re straining unconsciously. Do not put this extra strain on your hemorrhoids by waiting until you are ready to sit down.
Donut Cushion
You should consider purchasing a donut cushion, if you are suffering from hemorrhoids. This donut cushion is specially designed to provide you with the most comfort as you deal with hemorrhoids. You just place it where you will sit and plop down on it. It does give relief if your hemorrhoids are very sensitive.
A great, all-natural stool softener that will help relieve hemorrhoid flare-ups is Aloe Vera juice. To disguise the taste, try mixing it with a fruit juice, such as apple juice. Be certain to read the information on the label and drink the recommended dosage only. You can upset your stomach if you drink too much.
Regardless of whether or not your hemorrhoids itch, do not scratch them. If you end up scratching the area, you can worsen the condition, make them bleed, and allow infection to set in. You may, however, give the area a mild cleansing with a wet washcloth used gently. The itching might be caused by not having the area clean enough, so cleaning the area may relieve some itching.
By utilizing the advice in the above article, you can begin some steps for eliminating hemorrhoids pain. Good information leads to you utilizing good medical treatment, and hemorrhoids are no exception. There is no need to wait, start reducing your pain today by staying positive and utilizing the proper strategies.